Time goes so fast nowadays so all my posts are coming at least week late. I try my best and all the school stress is gone now so I believe I will start posting more. Anyway, I had something to actually talk to you about. Two weekends ago we had last exchange weekend in Niagara on The Lake and it was one of the saddest weekends ever.
In September, we started as a bunch of quiet and shy kids. We didn’t know each other and we certainly didn’t know what was going to happen in the future. Time fly by and we had weekends together after that, piece by piece each of us grew and we become better group every time, so much laughter, crying, hugging and good memories. I have gone trough some hard times during my exchange but knowing that I have such an amazing group of people behind me made it so much easier.
Niagara on the lake weekend was different for one reason, this time, we would have to say goodbyes to each other and leave the weekend behind not knowing when we’d see each other the next time. I don’t cry a lot, I’ve never been that person who cries easily when I have to say goodbyes. This weekend was completely different, the second we started saying byes to each other I started crying. I wasn’t the only one, everyone had tears in their eyes and everyone was feeling sad. It is hard to hug a person who has been you good friend for past ten months and not knowing when is the next time you can do that. At least when I said bye to my friends in Finland year ago I knew I would see them in a year. Now I have no idea.
I want to say; thank you to all the students from district 7090, these people means the world to me and because of them, I have a completely different view of world and friendship. I have millions of good memories with you, you will stay in my heart forever. I hope life will bring us together one day again. Thank you.
These were my first goodbyes and it won’t get any easier after that. I have two weeks left in Canada, then I have one month adventure ahead of me. I’ll be back soon, see ya!
Ps. I filmed a video with my friends, check it out!
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