Time goes way too fast, I don’t even have
time to realise what is going on. Weeks just fly in front of my eyes and
I try to hang on at the edge of time and hope I won’t wake up tomorrow
realising that I haven’t done anything useful with my life.
have been busy and lazy past couple of weeks, new semester and ton of
schoolwork. I am not complaining, I actually really like this semester and all
the courses I have. English is hard, it is really hard to analyze a poem
with a language that you don’t speak as your first language. Challenge and
change is interesting, lot of social psychology and studies about human
behaviour and changes in out society. Fitness is fitness, gym everyday and
studying about healthy living. My last course is fitness leadership, easily the
funniest course I have this semester. We work as a group, we organize and plan
events and learn how to be a good leader. All these courses are fun, but they
all have lot of assignments, projects and research to be done so they take a
lot of time. After school, I play waterpolo and do yoga, so when I come home
after a long day there not much energy left in me.
are from a school dance yesterday. So much fun! We danced for the whole evening
and it felt so good be surrounded people and seeing everyone having so much
fun. Today is P.A. day, which means there is no school for the students. Long
weekend feels good, I have no plans I kind a like it like that. Sometimes it is
good to have time for just you, not to do anything or plan anything.
as you can see, after 200 days my life has become really normal. Nothing super
exciting but nothing bad either. My life is good, I hope yours is too. I’ll be
back soon with a video so stay tuned!
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