Hellou again!
I’m home in Finland. It’s been an almost
week already and I still don’t know how to feel. I was super excited to come
and see all my family members and friends, visit all the familiar places and
just start living my normal Finnish life. And now I'm here and well. it's just life.
Traveling back home went well, not as
perfectly as I wished but well enough to bring me home safely. My first flight was
late which almost made me miss my connecting flight to Finland. I was still in
security when they called my name for the last time but luckily one of the
members of the airport came look for me and got me into to the airplane on
time. I’ve never been as happy and confused as I was on that flight. I hear
Finnish and most importantly, I heard English but with a Finnish accent. It is
the funniest thing ever and it made me realize that I’m actually going home.
It is ironic to say that I’m going home
since Canada is my home too. I know I will miss everything about it but it's not the time for it yet. I like it here in Finland even tough almost everything is
different. My life has changed completely but I can either learn how to live it
or fight against it. I’m ready for a change. It was one of the main reasons why
I ever went on exchange.
Home is good. It feels good to be here like
I already said. I’ve been at work and I didn’t even realize how much I missed
it but now I know. I’ve been at my summerhouse with my friends, swam in a lake
and ate Finnish food. One week left before it is back to reality and school.
Next two years are going to count so much, next two-year determines my future
and for the first time in my life, I’m ready to face it.
I’ll be back, I have still lot to say and
talk. I might switch back to Finnish or not, you’ll see. See you!